Voicebox Poetry Competition
10 William Street West
091 582 239
Voicebox will run as follows: 3 heats
2 categories Spoken Word/Reading Poets
Slam/Performance Poets
Heat 1-Reading Poets - Monday - 24th July-6:00 - 7:30pm
Heat 2-Reading Poets -Tuesday - 25th July-6:00 - 7:30pm
Heat 3-Performance Poets-Weds - 26th July-6:00 - 7:30pm
All participants must be available to compete in
Final on Thursday 27th July -6:00 - 7:30pm
4 finalists from each heat will compete in final
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded to Reading Poets from 8 finalists
1st and 2nd prizes awarded to Performance Poets from 4 finalists
Voicebox T-shirts for all finalists
Audience vote by ballot, scores will be tallied and the highest 4 scores
for each heat compete in final.
In the event of a tie, poets must have a back up peice for a read-off and
another vote will break that tie.
5 minute maximum per poet-running over time results in disqualification
Pre-registration is strongly advised-only 15 readers per heat.
contact theresamarynora@gmail.com to register. Leave name,email address,contact phone
and the category in which you are entering.
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